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Internet and Cloud Intelligence Research

Your hub for data-driven insights into the state of cloud, SaaS and the Internet.

Understand the Internet—and Its Dependencies

Get definitive measurements and analysis, powered by ThousandEyes.

Actionable Insight

Key findings and trends are explained, including business impacts, and recommendations are tailored to provide next steps for your business.

Metric-based Research

We break the mold of survey-based research with an unbiased and metric-based perspective on Internet and network performance. 

Expert Analysis

Results are verified and analyzed by a team of subject matter experts to ensure peer-review and corroboration of the analysis.

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Internet Performance Research

A measurement-based study of the availability and performance of the Internet and key app delivery networks before and during COVID-19, including those of public cloud, networks, CDN, and DNS providers.

Internet Performance Research

Cloud Performance Research

A metrics-based study of the performance and connectivity architectures of the top three public cloud providers—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud—spanning hybrid cloud, inter-region and inter-AZ measurements.


2024 Global Networking Trends Report

Gain insights from over 2000 global IT leaders on networking challenges, business priorities, and the investment strategies that are paying off.

2024 Global Networking Trends Report

Digital Experience Performance Research

A comparative analysis of web, infrastructure and network performance metrics from the top 20 U.S. retail, travel and media websites.


Global DNS Performance Research

A point-in-time study that measures the performance of three DNS infrastructures: managed DNS providers, public resolvers and global root servers.

Key Research Findings

Internet Performance

Despite the sudden change in traffic flows brought on by the pandemic, the Internet has held up well, with no systemic performance degradation.

Cloud Performance

Architectural and connectivity differences between the measured cloud providers result in varied levels of Internet exposure.

Digital Experience
There are significant performance variations across CDN providers, ISPs and geographies, even in the highly mature U.S. market.
DNS Performance

Cloudflare, Google and OpenDNS perform best across nearly every region covered, out of the fifteen public resolvers we tested.