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Industrial IoT Ecosystems Require Detailed Monitoring

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a subset of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT ecosystems in general generate large amounts of data that gets collected, aggregated and shared in pursuit of efficient industrial automation. The ultimate goal is to increase automation levels in order to increase business productivity. The intent behind IIoT is not to 100% replace human workers, but through more efficient processes, create new revenue streams and business models by streamlining industrial processes. In order to sustain these business processes, IIoT generates access to component telemetry data that is able to support a rich analytics environment.

But in order for this data to be collected and analyzed, there needs to be reliable, intelligent, communication paths established among machines, devices and control systems to enable timely attention to maintenance intervals and unforeseen events. This communications mechanism can span both internal networks and external ones that traverse the Internet, so it is critical to ensure that IIoT connectivity is up and running.

Industrial IoT can be complex to troubleshoot without detailed, real-time network monitoring analytics

This is where network resource monitoring is required in order to make absolutely sure that all devices and network elements that are part of the IIoT ecosystem are, in fact, communicating without performance degradation or, even worse, suffer from network outages. Not only can industrial process efficiency be improved, but also the overall safety level of critical operations is enhanced by alleviating the risk factors found by monitoring points of failure.

Industrial environments demand process precision and can reap the benefits of implementing Industrial IoT where, without it, human error could result in massive risks. The precision level that can be achieved through the IIoT is one of the greatest advantages, yet it can be complex to troubleshoot without real-time network monitoring analytics.

Case Study

How ThousandEyes Helps A Global Mining Equipment Manufacturer Ensure Safe Operations Using IoT Monitoring

A world-leading industrial equipment manufacturer for the mining industry has differentiated its product offerings by incorporating an Internet of Things (IoT) vision. The company utilizes IoT devices in conjunction with Internet connectivity to access and control machinery, such as the massive drilling rigs they build for their customers over long distances. Learn how ThousandEyes has been instrumental in monitoring this IoT-enabled equipment to ensure safe and productive operations for their customers.

Case Study

Global Mining Company: Mining Cloud, App and Network Data to Keep Its Mines Productive

Learn how this global mining company deployed ThousandEyes in less than 60 days to identify outages and performance issues. Due to its network’s complexity, this ThousandEyes deployment was able to visualize the precise location of network performance issues and understand whether or not the root cause occurred with the internal network, the Internet itself or with a supporting cloud provider.

Why ThousandEyes?

Improve IIoT Connectivity

Improve on intelligent connectivity among IoT devices and machinery

Increase Cost Savings and Efficiency

Ensure network connectivity with IoT endpoints to maintain continuous operations

Enhance Industrial Safety

Deliver and maintain mission-critical industrial operations without sacrificing safety

Start Monitoring Your IoT Network

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