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The Internet Report

Ep. 40: Fastly’s Outage and Why CDN Redundancy Matters

By Angelique Medina
| | 2 min read
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On this episode, we unpack today’s major outage at Fastly, a popular CDN provider.

This is The Internet Report, where we uncover what’s working and what’s breaking on the Internet—and why. Today, I’m joined by Hans Ashlock, Director of Technology & Innovation at ThousandEyes, to unpack today’s major outage at Fastly, a popular CDN provider. The widespread outage occurred around 9:50 UTC, about 5:50 am ET, and mostly impacted users across Europe and Asia due to the timing. The outage lasted approximately one hour until 10:50 UTC, yet residual impacts were felt beyond that. Today’s outage is a good example of the importance of having outside-in visibility not just across your app, but also to your app’s edge and all its dependent services. Watch this episode to learn more about the outage and see what we saw from ThousandEyes global vantage points.

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