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Introducing the ThousandEyes Product Innovations Hub

By Shimei Cridlig
| | 3 min read

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Announcing the Product Innovations Hub—your go-to resource for the latest cutting-edge features, enhancements, and product developments from ThousandEyes.

ThousandEyes is committed to delivering timely innovations that help IT and networking professionals navigate the complexities of their modern digital environments. Now available, the Product Innovations Hub offers these teams practical insights into the latest features, enhancements, and product developments—so they can maximize their use of ThousandEyes’ capabilities.

Timely Updates, Tailored for Professionals

Unlike traditional release notes that can fall short in detail and blogs that may be too long, the Product Innovation Hub strikes the perfect balance. It provides comprehensive yet concise information on key features that we release, helping customers stay engaged and informed. For those interested in diving deeper, we provide links to detailed documentation and blog posts within each update.

The Product Innovations Hub is a game-changer for ThousandEyes’ customers. Here’s why:

  • Learning for Everyone: The Innovation Hub is designed for networking professionals at all levels. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to ThousandEyes, you’ll find valuable information on how to use new features effectively.

  • Timely Updates: We publish posts around a week after each release. This way, you have immediate access to the information you need right when needed. Stay up-to-date with the latest features and enhancements as they happen.

  • Feature Highlights: Updates include new feature highlights, customer benefits, and tutorial videos. This way, you not only know about the new features but also understand how they can benefit your network environment.

  • Tutorials: Sometimes, a short video is worth a thousand words. Tutorial videos provide clear, step-by-step instructions on how to use new features, making it easier for you to get up and running quickly.

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To make the most of the Product Innovations Hub, you can subscribe via RSS feed. This allows you to receive updates automatically, eliminating the need to check manually. You can choose to subscribe to all product categories or select the specific product lines that interest you the most.

Check out the ThousandEyes Product Innovations Hub today!

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