Product News
Connected Devices: Extending Service Provider Visibility Into the Last-mile Network

Subprocessors for the SamKnows Platform

Effective Date: May 1, 2024


This page provides a list of companies that are subprocessors for the SamKnows platform (each a “Subprocessor”).  “You” means the party identified in the agreement receiving the SamKnows platform from SamKnows Limited or SamKnows, Inc. (referred to as “SamKnows” below as applicable).


SamKnows partners with service providers that act as sub-processors of personal data and contract to provide the same level of data protection and information security provided to you by SamKnows. SamKnows follows the same data minimization principles and only provides the data that is necessary to fulfill the sub-processor’s purpose. When personal data is changed, the change (including deletion) is propagated through the relevant systems, including subcontractor systems.

The SamKnows platform is currently available in two regions: USA and EU. See the following notes:

If You are a customer as of August 1, 2024:

• either the Google GCP-BigQuery USA or EU instance is used; and
• the Amazon Web Services EU Instance is used.

After August 1, 2024:

• You can select either the Google GCP-BigQuery USA or EU instance (by contacting your account manager); and
• based on your Google GCP-BigQuery selection, the same region will be used for the SamKnows’ Amazon Web Services instance.

SamKnows Instance Sub-processor Personal Data Service Type Location of Sub-processor Data Center
USA & EU, Inc.
1 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
Salesforce USA [1]
USA & EU Amazon Web Services, Inc.
1200 12th Avenue South, Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98144 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
· Application Credentials
· Device Metadata
Amazon Web Services USA Instance:
Primary – USA
Disaster Recovery – USA


EU Instance:
Primary – Germany
Disaster Recovery – Ireland
USA & EU Code42 Software, Inc.
100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401
· Device Metadata
· Registration Data
· Test Data
Code42 USA[1]
USA & EU Google, LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
Google Cloud Platform USA
USA & EU Google, LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
· Device Metadata
· Test Data
Google GCP-BigQuery USA Instance:
Primary – USA
Disaster Recovery – N/A


EU Instance:
Primary – Belgium and Netherlands
Disaster Recovery – N/A
N/A - SamKnows professional services Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052 USA
· Device Metadata
· Registration Data
· Test Data
· Personal data that may be include in customer materials provided as part of professional services
Microsoft 365 Applications USA[1]
USA & EU Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052 USA
· Device Metadata
· Registration Data
· Test Data
GitHub USA[1]
USA & EU MongoDB, Inc.
1633 Broadway, 38th Floor
New York, NY 10019 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
· Application Credentials
MongoDB Atlas

USA Instance:
Primary – USA
Disaster Recovery – USA


EU Instance:
Primary – Germany
Disaster Recovery – Ireland

USA & EU Snowflake, Inc.
450 Concar Drive
San Mateo, CA 94402 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
Snowflake Data Platform
USA & EU Fivetran, Inc.
1221 Broadway, Suite 2400
Oakland, CA 94612
· Registration Data
· Support Information
· Application Credentials
Fivetran Database Replication

USA Instance: USA


EU Instance: Germany [2]
USA & EU OwnBackup, Ltd.
940 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA
· Registration Data
· Support Information
OwnBackup CRM Backup USA[1]
USA & EU Okta, Inc.
100 1st Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
· Application Credentials
· Support Information
Otka MFA USA[1]
USA & EU Zendesk, Inc.
989 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94103
· Registration Data
· Support Information
Zendesk USA[1]

[1] SamKnows uses the sub-processor’s standard offering and thus the sub-processor controls the country in which data is stored. The country indicated above is the sub-processor’s primary business location.

[2] For the EU Instance, Billing Information is also processed in the USA by FiveTran.


On September 11, 2023, Cisco Systems, Inc. ("Cisco") via its subsidiaries acquired SamKnows Limited and SamKnows, Inc. As a result of the acquisition, SamKnows Limited and SamKnows, Inc. both became wholly owned subsidiaries of Cisco. Since the acquisition, Cisco has been integrating the SamKnows entities and all the existing SamKnows employees are now employed by Cisco or a Cisco affiliate; thus, Cisco and its affiliates now operate the SamKnows platform and provide any support/professional services that You may have purchased.

When You purchase a SamKnows offering, Cisco Systems, Inc. always creates, processes and stores registration, support and email information in the United States regardless of the subsequent provisioning of Your accounts in a chosen regional cloud. 

Depending on your geographic location Cisco may also engage one or more of its affiliates as Subprocessors to deliver some or all of the offering (including, support or professional services) provided to You.

Cisco customer support utilizes a 24/7 "follow the sun" model, leveraging support engineers and data analysts in Australia, Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, India, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United States, and the United Kingdom provided via Cisco’s affiliates. Cisco may update this list of countries from time to time at its sole discretion.

Personal Data

The table below lists the personal data processed by SamKnows to provide You with the SamKnows platform and provide You with any support/professional services that You may have purchased.

Personal Data Category Type of Personal Data Purpose of Processing
Device Metadata - IP addresses and MAC address
- Device identifiers
- User identifier (only applicable to web speed test)
- Operation of the service
- Billing/Invoicing
- Technical support
- Authentication/Authorization
Test Data - IP addresses and MAC address
- Device identifiers
- Whether the device is associated with a Wi-Fi access point and the Wi-Fi SSID (only applicable to mobile app)
- Precise geo-location data (only applicable to mobile app)
- Operation of the service
- Technical support
- Troubleshooting
- Activity logs
Registration Data - IP addresses and MAC address
- Device identifiers
- Whether the device is associated with a Wi-Fi access point and the Wi-Fi SSID (only applicable to mobile app)
- Precise geo-location data (only applicable to mobile app)
- Activation of the service
- Billing/Invoicing
- Product notifications
- Technical support
- Authentication/Authorization
- Activity logs
Support Information - First name, last name, email, and phone number of the user opening the service request
- Account information
- Personal Data contained in the Device Metadata and/or Test Data, if provided as part of support and/or professional services.
- Technical support / professional services
- Review of support service quality
- Troubleshooting
- Analysis of the service


Unless contractually agreed otherwise, (1) SamKnows and its affiliates will not subcontract its obligations to new Subprocessors, in whole or in part, without providing You with notice (e.g.: by publishing the updated information on the Cisco Trust Portal, this site, and/or by email upon Your subscription via the email address noted below) and an opportunity to object and (2) if within 10 days of SamKnows’ notice, You object to the proposed subcontracting by providing reasonable grounds related to the protection of the Personal Data and the parties cannot resolve the objection within 30 days of SamKnows’ notice, then You may on written notice, terminate the applicable part of the agreement and/or order relating to those SamKnows components which cannot be provided by SamKnows without the use of the Subprocessor(s) giving rise to the objection.  

Any objections must be made by email to


If you want to add, change, or remove subscribers to the notification list, please send your request to

Change log

April 1, 2024: Initial release