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Test Optimization for Proxied Agent

ThousandEyes released test optimization to improve the network test results using the proxied Enterprise Agents.

Innovation Overview

Test optimizations are helpful recommendations to improve your existing tests. We’re analyzing your existing tests for this release and will notify you if we notice an error in your proxy test settings. This error occurs when tests are configured with an HTTP Proxy in place without using the "Perform network measurements to the proxy" setting. Many customers enable proxy settings per agent and often forget to check this option to monitor the network to the proxy. As a result, data for the test will not be gathered for the network layer, leaving an unexpected gap in coverage.

Feature Highlights:

  • Surface the erroneous configuration: Highlight the network tests failing due to the proxied agents' inability to access the test target directly. 

  • Suggest the optimized solution: Offer the path to fix the errors, allowing the test to be completed and producing meaningful results.

  • One-click to bulk apply: Provide a wizard to quickly fix the broken tests with the bulk update options.

Customer Benefits:

  • Reliable configuration correction: Notifies about the wrong test configuration and offers a way to fix it quickly, allowing the test to run more efficiently and provide valuable results. 

Here is a quick demo of how to use test optimization to fix the proxy configuration:

  1. Network test failing due to the intervention of proxy.

  2. Learn about the failing tests in the test optimization list. 

  3. Follow the optimization wizard to apply the suggested solution.

  4. Tests after fixing produce helpful results.

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