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Configuring DNS Tests

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Businesses rely on DNS for their online services, making any DNS-related downtime or misconfiguration potentially costly to reputation and revenue.

Learn how DNS tests can help you identify and mitigate issues promptly, contributing to overall digital service stability. Watch this tutorial for a concise, step-by-step guide on how to set up the three types of DNS tests:

  • DNS server tests: This test evaluates the performance and reliability of your DNS servers, both authoritative and recursive. It helps you make sure that your DNS servers respond quickly and accurately to DNS queries.
  • DNS trace tests: With this test, you can track and verify the path that a DNS query takes from the root DNS servers down to the authoritative DNS servers responsible for a specific domain, helping confirm that DNS authority is delegated correctly across different levels of DNS infrastructure, including parent and child zones.
  • DNSSEC tests: This test enhances the security of DNS resolution by validating DNSSEC signatures and the chain of trust from the root DNS servers to the domain's authoritative DNS server.

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