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Connected Devices: Extending Service Provider Visibility Into the Last-mile Network

Infographic | Network Outages

Global Internet Health Trends

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For digital businesses, managing service delivery across the Internet is essential to revenue generation and brand reputation. Yet, the Internet is vast, unpredictable and composed of thousands of independently managed service providers—any of which can impact the experience of users connecting to an application or site. Highly disruptive network outages occur daily across the Internet, and they can be notoriously difficult to detect and isolate.

While enterprises may not directly control the Internet, they are ultimately still responsible for the reachability of their service and user experience. That means IT teams need visibility into Internet health and connectivity baselines to understand how Internet volatility is impacting their business.

Download these weekly Global Internet Health Trends for ongoing insight into:

  • Global network connectivity
  • Internet service provider connectivity
  • Public cloud connectivity
  • Collaboration application connectivity

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