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Connected Devices: Extending Service Provider Visibility Into the Last-mile Network

Webinar | SD-WAN

Best Practices for Assuring SD-WAN Performance

SD-WAN    48:56
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Webinar Overview

SD-WANs are increasingly becoming the wide area network (WAN) standard for organizations looking to increase business agility and reduce costs. However, as they migrate, enterprises need to ensure that performance and user experience improve, or at least are maintained, which can be challenging without the right level of visibility.

In this webinar, you’ll see how ThousandEyes helps organizations before, during and after SD-WAN rollouts by providing the end-to-end visibility they need to ensure project success. You’ll learn how to:

  • Benchmark regional ISPs and compare SD-WAN pilots in advance of implementation
  • Measure and report on performance during rollout to ensure project success metrics are met
  • Operationalize proactive troubleshooting, including end-to-end visibility into overlay and underlay performance

You’ll also see a live demo of an SD-WAN deployment so that you can see the power of the ThousandEyes platform in action.

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