Product News
Connected Devices: Extending Service Provider Visibility Into the Last-mile Network

Product Brief | Application Experience

Network and Application Synthetics Product Brief

Whether delivering a digital service to customers or connecting your employees to SaaS applications, more of the networks you rely on for effective service delivery are outside your traditional perimeter. End-to-end visibility across external networks, applications, and services is now critical to ensure your business’s continuity.

Cisco® ThousandEyes combines active and passive monitoring techniques to gather telemetry across the digital delivery chain that enterprises don’t control. ThousandEyes vantage points proactively collect data on application performance, end-to-end network path, and internet routing behavior so you can see how every underlying dependency impacts digital experience. With ThousandEyes, you can:

  • Immediately isolate issues across domains so you can resolve or escalate to the responsible service provider
  • Measure application experience from every vantage point—whether customer or employee—to help ensure continuous and optimized service delivery
  • Use data to plan, benchmark, and roll out new infrastructure and services to prevent unplanned disruptions and validate successful deployment

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