ThousandEyes actively monitors the reachability and performance of thousands of services and networks across the global Internet, which we use to analyze outages and other incidents. The following analysis of the Microsoft Azure disruption on July 30, 2024, is based on our extensive monitoring, as well as ThousandEyes’ global outage detection service, Internet Insights.
Outage Analysis
[July 30, 2024, 11:30 AM PDT]
ThousandEyes can confirm that at approximately 11:45 UTC, Microsoft began experiencing global network disruptions that impacted the reachability and performance of Microsoft Azure. ThousandEyes also observed network issues prior to the reported 11:45 UTC start time, with parts of the Microsoft network seeing degradation between 10:30 and 11:00 UTC. As of 14:00 UTC, the incident appears to be resolved.
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