ThousandEyes actively monitors the reachability and performance of thousands of services and networks across the global Internet, which we use to analyze outages and other incidents. The following analysis of the Starlink outage on May 29, 2024, is based on our extensive monitoring, as well as ThousandEyes’ global outage detection service, Internet Insights. See how the outage unfolded in this analysis—more updates will be added as we have them.
[May 30, 2024, 2:00 PM PT]
Starting at approximately 1:25 AM (UTC) on Wednesday May 29, ThousandEyes observed network outage conditions impacting Starlink, with users connecting from the U.S., Europe, and Australia unable to access the Internet through the service.
ThousandEyes observed no corresponding BGP changes, and the control plane appeared stable.

During the 45-minute outage, many users would have experienced the outage as DNS timeouts when attempting to reach sites and services, as the network outage would have prevented the reachability of public DNS resolvers such as Google’s service. See figure 2 below showing DNS timeouts to Facebook’s Messenger service.

By approximately 2:10 AM (UTC), the outage was resolved for all global regions and access to the Internet was restored for impacted Starlink users.