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Cisco Real Speed

Advanced two-step speed testing and diagnostics for users and service providers.

Measure and Monitor Home Internet Performance

Home Internet issues can create significant friction for customers. While standard speed tests offer some helpful insight, isolating whether issues lie within the home network or within the service provider’s connection demands a more advanced approach. Cisco Real Speed is a powerful two-part Internet speed test that measures from both the device and the router, offering a detailed side-by-side view of network performance for broadband users and ISPs alike.

Cisco Real Speed runs two concurrent tests automatically: one from your router to test the service provided to the home, and the second test from a phone or computer connected to the home network
Isolate issues impacting internet speed

Isolate Issues Impacting Internet Speed

  • Two-step speed tests utilize the Device Agent that is built into supported customer hardware to identify whether an issue is occurring inside the home or on the provider’s network
  • Single-step test are available for older devices not supported by the Device Agent and allows accurate Internet performance measurements to the user’s device

Optimize Wi-Fi Performance

  • Measure Wi-Fi performance from any device in any location within the home, either through a web browser or by using a dedicated mobile app
  • Test how Wi-Fi performance changes around the home to select the ideal placement for a router or Wi-Fi mesh during install
Optimize Wi-fi performance
Maintain service level agreements

Maintain Service Level Agreements

  • Generate metrics around service performance to help maintain service-level agreements (SLAs)
  • Protect brand integrity and customer satisfaction

Internet Speed Testing for Customers and Agents

Wi-Fi is the predominant way users connect their devices to the Internet, but many don’t realize the speed available at the router isn’t necessarily the speed available on their device. Cisco Real Speed shows users the difference, helping them understand their network better and reducing unnecessary support calls. Users can run network speed tests from a web browser, and service providers can use the mobile SDK to integrate Real Speed tests into their apps.

This diagram shows the differences between a standard single-step speed test and the two-step ‘router and device’ speed tests performed by Cisco Real Speed

Seamless Troubleshooting for Customers

End users can see real-time network insights through consumer-facing applications, powered by Real Speed tests using the Instant Test API.

Reduce Inbound Call Volume

Self-service options within ISP apps can help reduce call volume by allowing customers to resolve common Wi-Fi issues on their own

Test From Support or CRM Workflows

Automatically trigger Real Speed tests directly from customer support or CRM workflows for faster, more accurate troubleshooting

Macro-level Insights for Service Providers

Cisco Real Speed can be a valuable early warning system for service providers, unlocking immediate insight into potential network problems when more user tests are being run than usual. At the macro level, this data helps service providers monitor the overall performance of their networks, identify trends, and proactively address issues before they affect a broader set of users.

Constant Care: The Tool for Care Agents

Constant Care: The Tool for Care Agents

Whether a problem lies inside the home or on the provider's network, Constant Care enables agents to see historical data and understand when performance problems occurred. Data from Cisco Real Speed is available through an intuitive portal or API, providing agents with critical diagnostic information, such as disconnections, latency, and throughput.

Deliver the Internet speeds your customers expect with Cisco Real Speed

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