Product News
Connected Devices: Extending Service Provider Visibility Into the Last-mile Network

User Experience Is Critical to Business Performance

The modern enterprise is changing. What used to be entirely within corporate control is now outside the corporate perimeter. On-premises applications are now SaaS-based or in the cloud and your workers are more distributed than ever before, making it challenging to ensure a continuous digital experience using legacy application performance management (APM) solutions. Protecting employee productivity across this vast ecosystem requires a totally new application monitoring paradigm—end-to-end visibility from user endpoints to any web application.

Cisco ThousandEyes Endpoint Experience delivers both on-demand and real-time visibility into each employee’s experience on SaaS and internally-hosted applications, as well as underlying wireless LAN, WAN, Internet connectivity, and system health. This empowers your network and IT teams to quickly troubleshoot performance issues related to Wi-Fi, bandwidth capacity, ISP routing, VPN gateways, SaaS availability, and other sources, while measuring web page load times and other key performance indicators like user experience scores.

Customer Story

How the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Provides Virtual Hearings and Jury Centres With ThousandEyes

Stevie Doogan, Unifed Communication Lead at the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, explains how ThousandEyes fills a critical monitoring gap to enable remote work and virtual hearings. ThousandEyes provided clear data related to users' home connectivity and the performance of collaboration tools so they could pinpoint issues and resolve them quickly.

UC lead at Scottish Courts, explains how ThousandEyes fills a monitoring gap to enable remote work and virtual hearings

Browser-based Real User Monitoring

Monitor live web application performance from the user perspective using a browser plugin that enables real user monitoring. Automatically capture user interactions for a set of predefined applications, such as Salesforce or Office 365 Suite, or record sessions on-demand for ad hoc troubleshooting. Detailed waterfalls and web page load metrics are displayed alongside end-to-end network connectivity, including WiFi access points, so you can understand the entire user journey to business-critical applications—no matter where the user is located.

Monitor live web application performance from the user perspective using a browser plugin that enables real user monitoring
Visualize end-to-end Layer 3 network hops between users and SaaS and internal apps

On-demand and Scheduled Network Synthetics

Stay on top of issues that could impact employee productivity by proactively running synthetic monitoring tests to the services you care about to deliver the right business outcome. Visualize end-to-end Layer 3 network hops between users and SaaS and internal apps. Get alerting for network connectivity and service availability issues so you can resolve or escalate issues faster—before user satisfaction and productivity is impacted.

Wireless Network Visibility

WiFi issues can be challenging to detect and isolate, as connectivity to wireless access points can change as users move around an office or around the globe. Understanding what users are connecting to, alongside signal quality, link speed, congestion and other performance factors reduces troubleshooting time and helps you ensure good digital experiences for your entire workforce—both in and out of the office.

Understanding what WiFi users are connecting to and its signal quality, link speed, congestion and other performance factors

Achieving the Experience Expectations of Your Distributed Workforce

Today's workforce includes employees who work from various locations, including executives who occasionally work from home and salespeople out in the field. This infographic highlights the challenges IT teams face when meeting employee expectations and provides tips on how to overcome them.

Despite IT teams facing challenges with monitoring end user experiences in hybrid environments costs seem insurmountable

Dynamic Testing

Gain deep insight into the real-time performance of business-critical collaboration and call center applications with dynamic testing. Collaboration apps dynamically select the best infrastructure components to connect users to based on conditions, and this behavior can change between users and sessions—so monitoring this environment needs to be dynamic. By creating tests automatically for every user and every session to the active infrastructure components, you get an accurate perspective for more effective monitoring and troubleshooting.


ThousandEyes on Cisco RoomOS Devices

Unlock powerful insights into your Webex connections with ThousandEyes Endpoint Agents activated through Control Hub.

Cisco RoomOS Device

Visualize and Score SaaS Experience

See real-time and historical SaaS and web service session performance, including objective metrics and experience scores. Use individual and aggregate end-user experience data to compare current performance metrics to established baselines.

See real-time and historical SaaS and web service session performance, including objective metrics and experience scores

Improve Help Desk Efficiency

A user health dashboard enables help desk workers to identify problem domains and close tickets quickly, or to escalate issues to the appropriate team, without the need for technical networking expertise. This simple yet powerful view provides a common operating language from workplace services all the way to your infrastructure teams for fast, efficient troubleshooting. That means better end user experiences and more productive workers.

A user health dashboard enables help desk workers to identify problem domains and close tickets quickly
Solve performance issues for hybrid workers

Monitor the use, connectivity, and performance of VPN clients and end-to-end network connections so your on-the-go and remote employees can use business-critical internal and SaaS apps.

Ensure Smooth SaaS Migration

The move to SaaS for critical business applications exposes enterprises to greater Internet and external dependency risk. Avoid productivity disruption by proactively monitoring the viability and success of SaaS application rollouts.

Support a Digitally Transformed Workforce

The modern workforce is increasingly remote and mobile, yet still demands a high level of performance for core apps and services. To support evolving worker needs and ensure productivity, enterprises need to deliver stellar user experiences.

Product Brief

Endpoint Experience

ThousandEyes Endpoint Experience delivers both on-demand and real-time visibility into each employee's experience of SaaS and internally-hosted applications, as well as underlying wireless, LAN, WAN, Internet connectivity, and system health.

Endpoint Experience

Gain an end-user perspective of app and network experience